Senior Seminar Research Paper

General Resources:

Career Resources at TZHS Library

Occupational Outlook Handbook from the U.S. Bureau of Labor

Career News at the Wall Street Journal

GALE databases for print-equivalent articles on a multitude of subjects – use a search term such as “teaching career” or “nursing career” to find articles of use to you (username/login/password: empirelink)

Education Resources:

Education News at the NY Times articles for those interning in education

United Federation of Teachers

Annotated Bibliography:

Consult your handbook for samples.

How to write an annotated bibliography

How to Make a Hanging Indent in Google Docs

Writing the Research Paper:

MLA internal citations

Research Paper Sample Introductions From previous Senior Seminar students

Writing an Introduction to a Research Paper

Sample Research Paper for Senior Seminar




3 thoughts on “Senior Seminar Research Paper

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