Creative Writing

Course Description

Goals and Objectives

Areas of Study

Course Requirements Overview

Creative Writing Web Links

Creative Writing Course Requirements Full Document in Google Docs

Course Description:

In Creative Writing, we will study and practice various forms of writing including memoir, short fiction, and poetry. We will use the writer’s workshop format in order to gain an understanding of various genres of literature, and to develop skills as editors of our own work and of others. Classroom journals will be kept as part of our focus on the writing process, which will center on developing a keen sense of poetic observation. Class participation will serve a major function in the class, as all writers are expected to share their work with others for peer evaluation.

Course Goals and Objectives:

  • To read literature from a writer’s perspective
  • To draft and revise writing
  • To develop the writer’s craft

Areas of Study:

The course is divided into three main sections: Poetry, Non-fiction (personal narratives), and Fiction (short stories). Some of the things we will examine in this course include:

  • using different poetic forms
  • incorporating poetic devices
  • writing effective dialogue
  • establishing themes
  • developing conflict and plot
  • creating strong beginnings and endings
  • developing characters
  • establishing setting

Course Requirements Student Responsibilities:

  1. Arrive on time and prepared for class each day.
  2. Participate daily.
  3. Maintain a class journal.
  4. Work effectively and respectfully with peer groups and teacher.*Sharing one’s writing takes a great deal of courage! This classroom must be a place where everyone feels comfortable sharing.
  5. Seek help from your teacher as soon as you realize help is needed.
  6. Follow the school rules.
  7. Take responsibility for all missed work due to absence or lateness.
  8. Keep cell phones out of sight for the duration of class unless otherwise directed.

Policies Concerning Absence:

  1. Any work previously assigned is due on the day you return. Any test previously assigned must be taken on the day of your return. Extenuating circumstances will be handled at the teacher’s discretion.
  2. You are responsible for making up the classwork and homework assigned during your absence . This work must be made up and submitted within two days after you return. It is YOUR responsibility to find out exactly what you have missed and to COMPLETE it without having to be reminded. When you are absent, call another member of your class to get your assignments.
  4. Any absences for school-related reasons (music lessons, field trips, appointments with the nurse, guidance and/or another teacher) must be approved in advance.

Policies Concerning Late Work:

  1. Homework will NOT be accepted late. If it’s not in class, it’s a zero . Extenuating circumstances will be handled at the teacher’s discretion .
  2. Writing assignments must be handed in on or before the due date. If you are in school, but miss class on the date the assignment is due, you are still responsible for handing the assignment to your teacher on that day. If you are absent on the date the assignment is due, the assignment must be handed in on the day you return.

Penalties: 5 points will be deducted for each day the assignment is late. Any assignment may be re-written within a week of its return to you provided the first draft was handed in on time and you schedule a writing conference to discuss the revision with me.

Caution: Copied or plagiarized work will result in a zero for all parties concerned.  Work that is completed for another class CANNOT, under any circumstances, be turned in for credit in this class. Any attempts to do so will be treated as plagiarism and will result in a zero.