We just want to have fun!
Here are the math games recommended by my class. Try some out! Then comment below giving your rating. How fun is the site? How educational is it? What kind of kid would like it?
We care what YOU think about it, so please leave a comment below.
Here’s a new math site: Tackle Math Ball. The first day of fall was on Wednesday, September 23rd. Football season is also underway. Let’s celebrate the season and brush up on math facts with Tackle Math Ball. Give it a try! Be the first to rate it below!
Game Instruction:
Step 1.) Choose your team, the computer (or opponent’s) team, and the time limit. When you play the computer, some teams are harder to beat than others. For example, you have only 4 seconds to answer math facts when you play the Pittsburgh Steelers, whereas you have 15 seconds to answer math facts when you play the Philadelphia Eagles.
Step 2.) Rumble down the field by answering math facts in the given time. On defense, you stop the opponent from advancing when you click on the math problem that matches the answer. Enjoy the game.
I went in math playground and played ducky subtraction. I think that it helped with subtraction problems.
I played math playground. The games I played were Kitten Match Additon, Duckey Race Subtration, they were really fun. I give website 9 out of 10 stars: *********
i love the game tackle math ball i rate it a ******.
I love tackle math ball because you can learn facts quickly and it’s really fun for football fans.***** stars!!!!! 😎
I played on math playground. The game I played was duck race. I thought it was really helpful because it helped me practice my quick facts.
My game was kitten match and ducky subtraction I LOVED IT! ***** for both games.
I liked fun brain a lot
Tackle Math Ball is super fun *****
I like math playground and i give it 5 stars
I love math playground
Math playground is a fun website! Along with the problem solving (and a bit silly) game of Snail Bob 2, there are fun fraction and decimal games too that I found amusing. I think someone looking for a educational game should maybe go to a more sophisticated website, but it is still a good website to go to if you are looking for some learning and ALOT of fun!!! 🙂
I played run on cool math games. It was a really cool game because it is kind of like geometry. They take shapes away and if you fall in the shapes you start all over.
I like Funbrain because there is some easy problems and some hard problems. I also enjoyed coolmath because it had a lot of logic games.
The websites I liked were v math and Cool Math. Just like Liam, I enjoyed playing home sheep home on Cool Math because it is very logical. I also like vmath because the games encourage you to do more math.
I enjoyed playing “Home Sheep Home” on Cool Math. You need to think logic like who can be supported on the plank and how much weight each sheep can push and who will hold the box on their backs. I have the link here http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-home-sheep-home
P.S. Don’t forget to play the sequel!
I really like math play ground and cool math games. On math playground there was this really fun decimals, It really helped with my decimals.
I like FunBrain because it can give you very complicated math problems.
i agree with you jade.
I recommend lemonade stand on cool math games.
I really liked MathGames because I could practice a bunch of different math topics along with being able to review some dividing decimals. I recommend this to anyone that likes fun and educating math games.
I LOVE cool math and math playground I really recommend papa’s dounteria or papa’s cupcakeria
I agree thoose games are fun and logical
I liked these math games and will be coming back to play them again! I played on cool math games. The game that I played was night lights after dark. It is a fun and challenging game that uses planning and logical thinking. Here is the link for the game: http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-night-lights-after-dark Have fun! 🙂
I like Math Playground because it has both logical games and math games. I would recommend it for anyone who would like a fun game that you enjoy, but while at the same time you are learning math. I rate this website a 9 out of 10.