Chirpy in Aruba

Life is good!

I’m with Elisa and her grandparents in Aruba. You can see by these pictures (and my nice tan) that I’m having a WONDERFUL time on this beautiful island!

Ah! This is the life!



Lemonade by the pool, anyone?!


Beautiful architecture.


Beautiful architecture.


A real lighthouse.


A real lighthouse.


The beautiful island of Aruba.


Now where in the world will I go next???

18 thoughts on “Chirpy in Aruba

  1. Chirpy I hope you had a lot of fun in Aruba because I had a lot of fun when I went to Aruba when I was flying my sister took a really cool picture of the ocean and the beach ? ? ? ? ?

  2. Wow! Aruba looks so cool! I learned that the acrchitechture is really amazing.
    I want to go there to see it for myself.

  3. Aruba looks amazing. I would love to visit one day. That beach, and those palm trees just looked so amazing. Oh and the beautiful architeture looked so amazing. This is diffenetly something I would like to do in the future.

  4. I thought that beach that you were on was beautiful! Oh and those palm trees those were pretty. Are they fake? I learned by the map that Aruba is big.

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