The Most Famous South African

Nelson Mandela persevered to help his country.

Nelson Mandela is the most famous South African. He was jailed for encouraging black people to fight to have the same rights as white people. At that time in South Africa’s history, the white people received all the good education, so they were able to get all the good jobs, and have the nice houses and enough food to eat. Just as in United States’ history, at one time black people were not treated fairly by white people.

While in jail, Mr. Mandela read, and thought a lot about his country of South Africa and its people, and the white people who came and took over the leadership of his country. He realized that the black people would need to work with the white people for the country to be its best. It was too late to kick out all the white people. During these modern times, the best minds (inside black or white skin) must work together for the good of the country. Even while in jail, he spread this message. He persevered. He would not give up what he knew was right. Just as Martin Luther King Jr. kept spreading the same message in the United States.

Nelson Mandela was in jail for over 20 years.

Many people agreed with Mr. Mandela. However, others did not. Some black people wanted all the white people to leave South Africa so much that they hurt and killed white people. Some white people, whose parents and grandparents had also grown up in South Africa, felt that this was also their country now too. Some were willing to hurt and kill black people to keep their own way of life. Both sides were suspicious and afraid of the other side.

Nelson Mandela was freed from jail by the South African government.

The situation got worse and worse until the government was forced to do something about it. Members of the government began listening to Mr. Mandela and taking him seriously. They let him out of jail. People – white and black – listened to Mr. Mandela and began to realize the wisdom of his words. He told them that all South Africans, of all skin colors, must stop fighting each other. They must work together. In order to do this they must respect each other. Black people must be given the same rights and opportunities as white people.

President Mandela encouraged people of all races to work together.

Mr. Mandela was elected the president of South Africa. He kept knowledgeable white people in government positions, but made sure black people also had some powerful positions. He made many changes in the country so the laws would be fair to everyone, no matter the color of their skin. He worked hard to help the white people and black people learn to get along and respect each other. However, when a country has big problems they are not fixed quickly or easily. They take much work and many years to work out. When Mr. Mandela stepped down as president, he left the country a better place. It is now President Zuma, another black man, who must continue the work.

Mrs. Obama, Sasha and Malia visit Mr. Mandela.

Mr. Mandela is now 93 years old. He is not in good health, but he allowed Mrs. Obama, and Sasha and Malia, to come visit him when they were visiting South Africa last year.  They wanted to meet him because they knew that he helped us all to see that people of different races can work together. He is an inspiration to many people.

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