Below, you’ll find directions for your brain research, as well as links to fascinating information about the brain. THAT should excite your brain!
Writing a Research Paper
Once you decide on the topic of your brain research, write down an essential question to guide your research. (Example: What’s happening in my brain when I think?) Think about what you really want to learn about the topic that’s so important to know.
Finding the answer to this big question will become the main idea of your essay. (Example: When I think, the neurons in my brain are sending electrical pulses to each other.) The supporting details will be the evidence you find that proves your main idea is true. Paraphrase some of the information; use direct quotes for some of the information. Mix it up!
You may also have subtopics about your main topic. Each will be in a new paragraph with a topic sentence and supporting evidence. Remember to cite the source of your information. (Example: On the Neuroscience for Kids website I learned…..)
You can create a “Boxes and Bullets” graphic organizer to help yourself organize your note taking.
The last step is to grow your ideas into an essay. The main idea in the box will be your topic sentence. You’ll turn the information in your bullets into complete sentences with added information to make the paragraph readable. You’ll add your own thoughts. (For example: This is important to know because….. or I used to think…., but now I understand….)
Picture source: synapsebristol.blogspot
Researching a Topic
Use the links below, or type in a key word in a search engine.
Skim and scan the webpage, looking for the key information that will help you answer your question. You probably won’t be reading the entire page.
Do close reading when you find information about your topic. Slow down and read the paragraphs that are helpful to you. Do they address your essential question? If so, re-read for the main idea. Write it in a box. Read again for the evidence that proves your point. Write each piece of evidence next to a bullet under the box.
Links to Brain Research
Use the links below. Your brain will love the topics!
Boys’ Brains vs. Girls’ Brains: Are they different?
Brain Disorders: What happens if you have brain damage?
Brain Health: How do you keep your brain healthy and safe?
Brain Size: Does a larger brain mean you’re smarter?
Brain Use: How much of our brain do we use?
Chemical Transmitters in the Brain: What does dopamine do?
Food: If you eat certain foods will you get smarter?
GLOSSARY: Use this online glossary of neuroscience words.
Language: How can humans talk in words?
Laughter: What’s happening in the human brain when something makes you laugh?
Learning: How does your brain learn new information?
Left Brain – Right Brain: Do people use just one side of their brain?
Memory: What strategies can you use to improve your memory when learning new information?
Music: Does listening to music make you smarter?
Sleep: What does your brain do while you’re asleep?
Synesthesia: What would it be like if one sense triggered a reaction from another sense?
Yawning: Why is yawning contagious?