Julia took me to Washington D.C during Winter break. Good thing I am small or I wouldn’t have fit in her suit case! 🙂
Wow! The Washington monument is really big! I wonder how they clean that thing?
Here I am sitting right in the spot where Martin Luther King Jr. made his “I Have a Dream” speech! This so cool!
       Julia and I stood in front of the Lincoln memorial! Abraham Lincoln must have been a really tall guy!
We also went to the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial. We saw a time capsule that will be opened in 50 years. That’s a REALLY long time.
Finally, we saw something that Harry S. Truman said after World War II. Harry S. Truman is one of my favorite presidents.
I hope I will get to come back to Washington D.C. soon! 🙂
i love the pictures in the back round i like the President Harry Struman one and the Abraham Lincoln and the i have a Dream one.The I Have A Dream gives my confidence. 🙂
Wow! washington DC looks so fun i want to go so bad. I hope you and Chirpy had fun i would. i think it is awesome that Chirpy sat on the speech from Martin Luther King Jr. about I have a dream. I also hope you had fun Julia. Next time you go I will hide in your suitcase!
Wow, that is so cool !!!! Chirpy, did you chirp out ¨I have a dream!¨, at the spot where Martin Luther King jr. said his ¨ I have a dream¨ speech.
I love the history of Washington D.C., I hope to go there someday!
Did you have a good time with Chirpy, Julia? Probably. Anyway, I really like the history of Washington D.C. I always wanted to make a time capusle, and now that I am thinking about I might even make one. I hope that my family could go to the time capsule in 50 years.
I love Washington D.C., My dad has a joke where he calls the Washington monument the great american pencil. I mean it does look like a big well sharpened pencil.
wow I never new there was so much history in Washington DC!you probably learn alot there.
The place looks interesting I think my little brother would like this.He is interested in things like presidents and monuments.
I bet you had such a fun time!When I went to Washington D.C it was so fun!
Wow! those are awesome pictures i liked how you did that scale with chirpy was WAY small then the lincoln memorial!
All the historical things and sites are amazing.You most of done a lot of walking.
DC seems so cool I want to go there too, I love all of the pictures.
Wow! Washington DC is awesome. I’m sure Chirpy had a great time. I wonder what’s in the time capsule? I think time capsules are fascinating. They tell about what life was like long ago. Maybe we should make one as a class!
Same!!! I was so excited to see it! I thought about how our lives would be in 50 years.
I love all the history in the photos.
I think Chirpy had a great time. I’m might be going to DC this summer. I am so excited!
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