NJ vs. TLO – Lesson 2

Based upon what you learned about the 4th amendment (search and seizure). Do you believe the school (principal) had the right to search the students property and bag? Explain  your thinking.

25 thoughts on “NJ vs. TLO – Lesson 2

  1. I believe the school had the right to search the students property because the 4th amendment says that your allowed to search the students property if theirs a good reason and the student broke the law and they were looking for evidence.

  2. yes the prinsaple has the right to check everyones bag because some people might have drugs but some other people might have like guns and bombs. i think every school should check students bag.

  3. Yes because the princibal has the right to check for drugs. even if the person says they dont have any drugs they could be lying. so its always good for them to check.

  4. yes. I think the principal had the right to go through the girls bag because if the principle never did she probably would keep selling the drugs and the principal didn’t break into her house he just looked at her bag.

  5. yes because he did one think bad alredy so then why dont you look to see if he did anything else because what he did you are not suppose to sell drugs in school bathroom

  6. I think that the school broke the fourth amendment because they didn’t have a warrant from a judge. It’s not that selling drugs in public is right or good, it’s just that the school technically broke the fourth amendment.

  7. Yes the principle has the right to look through her bag and he only asked to see her bag. It is not an “unreasonable searches and seizures of property” because if you know a person is doing drugs,than you can check their belongings just in case they are carrying illegal things.

  8. I think that the principal had the right to search her bag because she asked and that it was not searching her house it was her bag.

  9. I think she had the right to search her bag because the principle heard from the teacher that said that terry was smoking drugs and the principle asked terry if he/she could have the purse and terry could of said no and protested but terry let the principle search her bag and the principle saw illegale drugs and cigarettes in her purse.

  10. Yes, I think its good if the principal checked the bag for drugs. Because if the kid kept smoking he would of gotten seriously hurt

  11. I think that it was wrong for the princable to search her bag,but he could have asked a cop to search if the cop had a warrant

  12. I think the principle had the right to look through Terry’s bag because first of all Terry was smoking and the school does not allow that. And the principle asked Terry if she could look through the bag and since the principle already knew.

  13. Yes because the students can have dangerous items and etc. It would be better for the school and other students

  14. No because, it is not right for someone to do that to a citizen and only people that work at airports etc. should be able to do that.

  15. i think the princelbal is able to search threw students bags because the princelbal owns the proberty so basically she should be able to. also someone can be holding a deadly weapon

  16. I think no because police can’t just come into your house but if you have a awarrent given by the judge and, Probable cause is also needed.

  17. I think no because the police officer could have a problem with the color of his or her skin and the gender of whoever owned the house. And the people might have something private in the house that seems suspicious and accuse them for doing something wrong and not realise they did nothing.

  18. no the principle wasn’t allowed to search the girls bag because the principle didn’t have a waren’t

  19. I think no, because the principle did not have a warrant given by the judge. A probable cause is also needed for the principle to look inside the person bag and the principle did not have one.

  20. the principal or teacher has the to check someone’s backpack because they might be hiding something or have something they shouldn’t have.

  21. yes I think the principal did have the right to search her bag because she was selling drugs illegally

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