17 thoughts on “Hatchet-Chapter 5

  1. The most positive person in my life is my brother. He is always positive about his life, his sports, and his schoolwork. Firstoff, he is always positive about his life because he is always wanting to eat healthy items. Secondly, he is positive about his sports because he loves his basketball  and he wants to encourage little kids to follow in his footsteps so they could make the school team or the travel sports team. And lastly, he is positive about his schoolwork because he wants good grades to get into a good college (or his dream college St.John's University) in a few years for achieving things like being in honors classes or being excellent at a sport. Those were some examples about positve things about my brother.

  2. The most positve person in my life is my dance teacher. Whenever we cant get the dance move right se will break it down or make us do it a few times to get it right. Also she always comes in with a smile on her face. She also comes in with a positve attitude and never gives up on us. She takes are thoughts into consideration like if we say the dance is to hard or to easy. My dance teacher is one of the most positve people that I know and Im so lucky to have her as my dance teacher.

  3.      A positive person is my basketball coach.  She is positive because when we make a good shot and do what she taught us to do she always compliments us.  When we have a game and we are beating the team by alot, she tells us to back off a little so the other team doesn't feel bad that they lost by so many points.  She always tell us to do our best and believes in us.  That is how my coach is a positive person in my life.

  4. A positive person in my life is my gaelic football coach because if someone gets a foul he says "good try", "next time try to keep your balance" and "everyone makes mistakes" even if they're on the other team. He always tryies to help all of my team mates and anyone else he can find. That is why my gealic foot ball coach is a very postitive person in my life.

  5. A person in my life who is positive is my mom.  She is positive because when I go to a tryout she tells me I can make it because I try my best.  Also she never stops laughing and having fun through hard times.  Another reason why is because if me or my sister get a bad grade on one of are test she says it is just one test you'll get a good grade on the next one.  In fact she is a softball coach and if someone isn't good at hitting then she try's to work on it with them so they can get better.  One more reason why she is positive is because when she want to do something she says, "this is going to happen I am going to do this" to stay positive.

  6. My mom belives in me. She always encourages me to give everything I do the best effort. She knows Im quite capable so she tells me to try harder. My mom went to college and she expects me to do the same so good grades are very important to her and I have to do well. She wants me to be more responsible by giving me chores to do

  7. My mom belives in me. She always encourages me to give capable so she tells me to try harder. My mom went to college and she expects me to do the same so good grades are very important to her and I have to do well. She wants me to be more responsible by giving me chores to do

  8. My mom belives in me. She always encourages me to give capable so she tells me to try harder. My mom went to college and she expects me to do the same so good grades are very important to her and I have to do well. She wants me to be more responsible by giving me chores to do . She encourages me to stay positive and become successful in life.

  9. The most positive person in my life is my dad because he always cheers me on in softball.    When I get out he says "its ok atleast you tried."  Hes always proud of me even if its not my day.  He comes to all my games and this year my dad is my coach and loves to help the team get better and always be positive.  Thats the most positive person in my life.

  10. A person who is positive and my life is my mom. She always does need to try my best. She tells me it doesn't matter what your grade is as long as you tried your hardest that's all that counts. 

    • A person who is positive and my life is my mom. She always does need to try my best. She tells me it doesn't matter what your grade is as long as you tried your hardest that's all that counts. That is the most positive person in my life.

      • A person who is positive in my life is my mom. She always tells me to try my best. She tells me it doesn't matter what your grade is as long as you tried your hardest that's all that counts. That is the most positive person in my life.

  11. I think that my track coaches were very positive. Whenwe are running and we got tired or our legs hurt the coaches would encourage us to stay motivated.we always had a lesson before we started running about how we are special and important. If someone said something negative the teachers would stop them and say stay positive. At the end of the practice the coaches would give someone who ran well and stayed positive an award.everyone on the team would form a circle and say a chant for the person who won the award. My track coaches were very positive

  12. A person who is positive in my life is my mom. She always supports me with everything i do. My mom always picks me up when im down. she encourages me with everything. She  doesnt care what grade i get because she knows i tried my best ans studied. Also my mom always believes in me in evrything activity i do. When i have a game she always tells me to try my best and have confidence in myself. Also she always cheers me up when im feeling bad and i know she loves me and support me and thats is what only really matters. 

  13. Who I think is always positive is my basketball coach. He is always giving my team good pep talk. He also motivates us a lot. He tells us to get our heads in the game. When we lose he always says will get them next time guys. That why my basketball coach is aways positive.

  14. I think that my mom is positive because when im not feeling good she'll cheer me up and make me feel better. Another way she's positive is because when we have nothing to do she'll come up with something fun. Also when we get lost she'll make us laugh and we wont even care that we are lost anymore. She's also nice and does a lot of awesome things for me like helping me with work when I don't know what to do. Once I fall she'll say don't give up and try it again. That is why I think my mom is always positive.

  15. I think my mom is positive because she always believed in me no matter what. She inspired me not to give up in swimming soccer or skating. I think she really inspires me to always be positive. She told me to keep trying if you dont get it the first time. Thats why i think she is positive,

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