The Inuit Research Project

Mr. McAuliffe’s and Mrs. Cavanagh’s class spent the month of October researching the Inuit near the Arctic Circle. We researched how the ancient Inuit were a complex society. We had a choice to examine their use of language and writing, transportation, hunting and gathering, community or clothing. Each off us chose 3 of the 4 topics to research.

In our research we had to provide evidence that supported our claim that the Inuit were a complex society. Then find quotes that supported our claim from Inuit non-fiction texts. Next we had to explain our evidence and quotes.

After we completed our essay we could design a board featuring our writing. Our board also had to include a map of where the Inuit lived and three additional pictures that supported our essay. Finally, we had to record a small caption next to our picture.

Below you will find images of our Inuit boards!!!!

Up next:  Declaration of Independence

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