25 thoughts on “Susan B. Anthony

  1. Yes! Susan B. Anthony was successful at changing America for the better because  she tried to  vote and get equal rights. She also made speechs, and colleting singatures for petitions. Anthony had to persever to get what she wanted.

    • I think that Susan b Anthony was the most important because she went to Seneca falls. She also has the 19th amendment named after her. Anthony persevered to get the job done. 

  2. Susan B. Anthony was succesful because she never gave up and she kept trying and she really expressed her feelings and that is how she was succesful.

    • Also another thing about Susan B. Anthony is that she was a very big part of Seneca falls. She was also into the temperance movement she was against achohal. She was also an abolishinist. That is why she has the 19th amendment named after her.

  3. I think she was successful because she tryed to vote and get equal rights for women to by giving support to the 13th amendment. Also she hepled the Anti- slavery Champion buy making speeches, handing out flyers,and putting up posters. Lastly she encouraged working women in the printing and sewing trades to form the Workingwomens Association.

  4. I think Susan B. Anthony was successful at changing America for the better because she tried to vote, get equal rights, she went to jail with her 3 sisters for voting, she expressed her feelings and she was a champion at making speeches. That's why I think Susan B. Anothony was successful  at changing America for the better.

  5. I think Susan B.Anthony was sucsesful at changing america for better because had a sense of justice from a early age, she dedicated her whole life to changing the way of life for women. Also, she and her three sisters and other women were arested and when she got out she kept on trying to gain womens rights to vote. Then, she had to face hostile mobs,armed threats and people threw stuff at her! But she did not give up.

    Susan B Anthony then moved on to helping married women get property rights, equality in marrige and get their own wages.Then she moved on to anti- slavery campagins. She handed out flyers, put up posters and made speeches. She also had an anti- slavery meeting every sunday at the Anthony farm. Among the members were Fredrick douglas and William Lloyd Garrison. Also there were anti-slavery quakers.

  6. I think that Susan B. Anthony is succsesful at changing america because she changed wommens rights and now becuase of her women can vote and have ather rights to do other stuff they couldnt do before


  7. Yes, I think Susan .B. Anthony was sucssesful at changing America  because she got women the right to vote. ðŸ™‚

  8. I think Susan B Anthony was a very successful woman. She fought for the right to vote,  freedom of slaves, right to own property, to have their own wages, and custody of their children. When she was doing all of these successful things she was attacked and went to jail.

  9. Yes because her goal was to get womans rights and stop slavery. And she did both of those. Even though their were really unfair with african amercain voting and she died when woman got rights but it still counts because thats what she wanted.

  10. Yes, I think that she was successful at changing America for the better because she fought for womens property rights, womens rights to vote, she went on speaking tours in the west for womens right to vote, got arrested in Rochester NY in 1872 for voting for the people, wanted and got equality in marriage – in the workplace – and at the voting box, she delt with hostile mobs – armed threats – and things thrown at her, she and Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized a Women's National Loyal Leauge to support and petition for the thirteenth amendment, she spoke at teachers conventions and she went to them because she argued that there were NO differences between the minds of men and the minds of women, she wanted and got equal pay and equal work for everybody,  she encouraged lots of women in getting into the printing and sewing buisness, she joined the Daughters of Temperance which was a group of women trying to draw attention to the effects of drunkenness; getting drunk, lastly she tried to get womens rights and all the other things and it took exactly 100 hard yearsof work to finally happen. Those were some examples about how Susan B. Anthony was successful at changing America for the better.

  11. I think susan B. anthony was successful because she decated almost all here life to womes suffrage movement. A lso she stoped slavery with the help a Fredrick Douglass.


    • Also she was a Quaker. Also she attended Seneca falls. She teamed up with Elizabeth cady Stanton a great women.

  12. I think she was because she changed the way women were treated and they got the right to vote.  She was very succesful in her life and changed lots of things.

    • I think she also changed the way the women were treated because she held the Seneca Falls Meeting and that helped women get equal rights and independance.  She also did the Anti-Slavery which helped african american women equal rights.  She fought most of her life trying to give women and slaves the right to vote and equality.  She died before the amendment was passed so they named it in her honor   which is now the "Susan B. Anthony Amendment".  

  13. I think she was sucessful her whole life she dedicated her life to women's rights. Even though it took a long time to get equal rights. She worked with a lot people like Elizabeth Cady Stanton

  14. I think she was successful because she dedicated her life to women's right movement.  Also because the 19th amendment was also called the Susan B. Anthony amendment.  Another reason why is because she helped get read of slavery by handing out flyers, making speaches, and hanging up posters.

    • I think Susan B. Anthony is the most importiant person out of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, and her.  I think that because the 19th amendment was named the Susan B. Anthony amendment. I also think that because she help a lot with getting that amendment she held meetings, made speaches, hung up posters, handed out flyers, and more. Also she has been trying her hardest to get that amendment since she was a little girl.

  15. I think she was successful because she did alot of things to help like she held convention and meetings for womens rights.Since the 19th amendment was passed and because she deticated all of her life to it she is proved successful.

    • If I where to choose the more important women it would be Susan B. Anthony. I choose her because even though Elizibeth C. Stanton and Lucretia Mott were big in womens rights the amendment is named after Susan B. Anthony. Another reason is because Susan B. Anthony detecated her whole life to fighting for womens rights. That is why I think Susan B. Anthony was the most important.

  16. I think that Susan B. Anthony was successful at changing America because even though she didn't get a chance to legally vote during her life she still fought for woman's rights. She also got the 19th Amendment named after her. 

  17. I think that Susan B. Anthony was successful at chanching America. Susan B. Anthony spent her whole life fighting for equil rights.Another reason Susan was successful is because she got the 19th amendment named after her.the last reason is because she also fought in the abolitionist movement and she made speeches, put up flyers, went to meetings,and boycotted and she was also a part of the Temperence Movement which was no alcohol .

  18. Yes! I think that Susan B. Anthony changed the world for the better. She helped women get equal rights by holding coventions in her town and all over her country even if women weren't allowed in. She thought that if men can do all of these thing like vote and get a job while women sat and watched the kids than women can vote and get a job while men watched the kids and do the laundry. She was outspoken and smart. She stood up for slavery too. She joined a Quakers anti-slavery group and had meetings during her life she met Fredrick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison. Her whole life was devoted to womens rights and what they couldn't do.

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