Summer Ball chapter 7

Throughout the story what habve you noticed about Danny's personality? How has he changed as 

a charcater? What makes him tick? 2 paragraph response.

10 thoughts on “Summer Ball chapter 7

  1.        Danny is a very persistant person about his growth spurt he wants it really bad, but it is like he forgot about it. I think basketball makes Danny tick he is alway willing to play basketbal, it is what makes him happy when he is upset.



  2. I have noticed that Dannys personality has changed throughout the story. At the beginning of the story he was jealous of Mr.Perfect actually Scott Wells. The reason why is because Scott hangs around with Tess. Then Danny made tess cry. Then there was camp. Danny was not really happy about going to camp. He wanted to stay and try to fix things with tess but he went.

    When he went to camp he met a boy named Zach. He didn't really want to go to this camp as well. Danny almost made him cry. Danny did the same thing to Tess in the park and he wanted to be better this time. His acted different around Zach. His voice changed. When he wasn't around Zach he was different. He has chaged a lot since he has left his home town when he got to camp.


  3. I think basketball makes Danny tick because he always likes playing it. I also think that hanging out with his friends Will Ty and Tarik. I also think competition makes him tick because he is also trying to play with the bigger kids because its more of a competition.                                                                                                                                                                                               I also think that Tess makes him tick because she was part of the gang and usually girls aren't part of the gang. I also think that camp makes him tick because he gets to play basketball almost 24/7 and he loves basketball. I also think his dad makes him tick because his dad is always practicing with him and giving him tips to make him better. I also think that summer makes him tick because if it wasn't summer then he wouldn't be at summer camp and would be at school.




  4. As a character I think Danny changed by being friends with Tess and then being mean to her and making her cry. His pesonality also changed when he was a basketball lover to now not liking it as much because he has coach powers and coach powers doesn't like Danny and is really hard on him because something happened with his dad and coach powers. 

    I think his personality changed when he met Zach because Zach also thought that camp was terribible also. I also thought his pesonality changed from wanting to to stay at home and stick around with Tess from now kinda liking it at camp because now he knows he's not the only one that hates it because Zach hates it to.


  5. I think Danny's dad made him tick because he keeps giving him advice about how to deal with his coach. Also basketball makes Danny tick because thats Danny's thing. Danny's coach can be really tough but knows a lot. Danny is always playing basketball and that is what gets him going. That is what makes Danny tick. 

    In the beginning of the story Danny wanted a growth spurt really bad. Now Danny forgot about his growth spurt. Since he is at camp he has a lot on his mind including Tess, and his mean coach. That is how Danny changed through out the story so far. 

  6. I thinck danny changed by his relinship with Tess they went from being friends to being aquintce. Also Danny changed by meeting a new friend named Zach. And he kinda didn't want to go but then he changed his mind and started liking it.

    Danny changed his persanaltey by being exited (kinda) to not having fun. But then he starded having fun when he met Zach.

    I thinck coach powers made him tick because every time Danny would play Coach Powers would say he's doing it wrong and he Forced him to play agaisnt Rasheed I also thinck Rasheed makes him tick because he said to him it's just me and you and he wanted a rematch with him which made Danny worried. 


  7.  Throughout the story Danny's personallity has gotten stronger.First he is a leader, because he leads his team to the championship. Also he is helpful because he helped zack overcome not going to basketball camp. Finally he is courageous because he spoke up to the coach.

    Danny has changed as a character in a few ways. First he was being helped by will and ty but now he is helping zack. The love of basktball makes danny tick because its like his soul mate.

  8. Throughout the story, dannys personality changed by going from bad to good. at first he was jelous of Mr.perfect, than exited to go to camp then eager to help Zach.Then finaly he was anoyed that he got a mean coach who called the place "My way not right way".

    He has changed as a character because at first he was so worried about everything, his height, Mr.perfect, Tess, the camp and more. I think basketball makes him tick because he said"I dont ever have to play basketball, i always want to."

  9. Danny changed from happy to mad when he came to camp. now he is mean to his friends and zach.that is why danny is changed.


  10. I think Susan B. Anthony was successful for America because she gave women the right vote, but she didn't get to see it happen because she died. Then other women followed her foot steps and they wanted to try to get women the right to vote too. Also Susan B. Anthony was successful in America because when they got the right to vote, they remember how Susan B. Anthony tried hard to get the right so the nineteenth amendment is also calle the Susan B. Anthony amendment now. That is how I prove Susan B. Anthony was successful in America.

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