Louisiana Purchase- Newspaper Post

The most important intelligence (knowledge) with which we present our readers this day, is the sale of  Louisiana by the Napoleon of France to the US government. This event will definitely be advantageous to our country; thought it may cost many millions. One condition in the purchase of this land is money owed to our (US) citizens for losses during the French Revolution, and by the unjust (illegal) holding of property (goods) in French ports and towns. Four million dollars is to be paid back by the French. The US government probably asked for the territory in cash as this way the money owed to our citizens would be repaid. The annexation (control) of this piece of land to the United States, is of incalculable (great) promise.


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20 thoughts on “Louisiana Purchase- Newspaper Post

  1. I think the reaction around the country was probably mad and excited at the same time. They were probably mad because they had to pay lots of money/taxes. And they were excited because they were doubleing the size of thier country.

  2. I think the reaction from the people around the country was happy and angry. I think the people were happy beause they got double the size of land. Also, because they got Louisiana for millions of dollars. I think the people were angry because the citizens lost something during the French Revolution. Also, because the US Government had to pay millions for the land.

  3. The people that had to pay for the Louisiana  purchase  I think were happy. I think that they're  happy because their land gets doubled in size. Then they might be able to make it even bigger than double by exploring west. The only negative part is that they  have to pay millions for it

  4. I think the reaction from the people was excited because they finally got to explore west. Also excited because the Louisiana purchase doubled the size of the United States. I also think they were upset because they had to pay millions of dollars for all the land. 

  5. I think that the reaction of the peopled was kind of mad because there are alot of people today that still disagree with the louisiana purchase so there could have been alot more back then.

  6. I think the reaction around the country was happy because they got to explorethe USA and it doubled the size of the 13 colnies but, they were mad because the amount of money they had to pay.

    • I think the reaction of the contry would be happy.The French sold louisiana.The French was going to pay the U.S. 4 million dollars. It would be profitible to us.

  7. A think they were happy and angry at the same time, Because it would be double the size and they would have to pay more money

  8. I think they were happy because they made a great that doubled the size of the U.S. Also I think they were also silly because they didn't know what they were buying.

  9. I think the people were happy and mad. I think they wrere happy because they would have a bigger piece of land. I think they were mad becasue they would have to pay alot of money.

  10. I think that the people were happy and mad at the same time because they would have had to have payed for double the size and it might have been many millions but they were happy about getting their money back from the purchase of the land and from losses during the French Revolution. I am debating between happy and mad.

  11. I think that the citizens were mad and happy.  They were happy because they are getting a lot more land but mad because they have to pay lots of money and taxes.

  12. I think that their reaction to the purchase of the Louisiana Purchase was mad but also happy because they would double their size meaning doubling their power. but they also had much more taxes.

  13. I think the reactions to the Louisiana Purchase was happy and angry.  I think they were happy because the U.S. would doble in size.  Also I think they were happy because they would get more power.  They were also mad because they had to pay a lot of money for it.

  14. I thinck they were excited then curios because they have new land and their getting paid back the money but they don't know what to do with the land

  15. i think that that the reaction around the country was both happy and unhappy. i think that people were happy because there was more land and more plases to grow crops. i also think that they were unhappy because people had to start moving west and it took a long time to move

  16. I thought the reaction was happy and angry. I thought they were angry because they had to pay a lot of money and taxes and happy because they got more land and got paid their money back.

  17. Some people wjhere probly angry about it. The reason why is because of that taxes would be hirred. Some people where probly happy about them buying it. The reason why is because that they would get more fram land.

  18. I think that the people were happy and mad. I think that they were happy because they got doubled the land. I think they were mad because it could start fights in the usa.Also,they had to pay more taxes.

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