Falcon_header_img5The chicks, two females and one male, were recently tagged with identifying bands by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The bands, placed on the fledglings’ ankles, will allow the project team and DEC to identify them and track their health and migration habits.
Now they need a name!

The New NY Bridge project invites all students at William O . Schaefer to vote in a week-long poll to name the recently-hatched Tappan Zee falcons—called eyases (“EYE-a-sez”)—that are nesting with their parents atop the existing bridge. The most popular name selected by the William O. Schaefer Students was’ Hudson”! The 10 suggested names are the product of our imaginative contribution, Hudson, as well as, the contributions of other Rockland and Westchester elementary school students. Click here to vote! Vote for “Hudson”!

The Name-the-Falcons poll will remain open until 6 p.m., Wednesday, May 27. Names that have the most votes will be announced shortly thereafter and the schools that suggested the winning names will be recognized. I hope it’s us!!

You can watch this spring and summer as the chicks become flying adult falcons via the 24/7 FalconCam on the website.
The Tappan Zee Bridge falcon nest box is maintained by the New York State Thruway Authority. The New NY Bridge will include a new peregrine falcon nest box high atop its towers.

Please note: The falcons are wild birds and their behaviors reflect what happens in nature. Some of their actions may be unpleasant to watch and it is possible that some of the fledglings may not survive into adulthood.

Learn more about the Tappan Zee falcons.

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