Fad today, gone tomorrow

Fads come and go. Many years ago, dance contests would last through the night to see which couple would last the longest on the dance floor. In the 1950s, teenagers enjoyed dropping coins into a jukebox to hear the latest record play and wearing poodle skirts.


During the sixties, fads took a new direction with tie-dyed shirts, beads, peace signs, and Ouija boards to tell the future. While some fads tend to surface again, one current fad just has to go! What will that fad be?

In the comments below, list several current fads and then select one that truly annoys you. Next, open this template in Google drive and write a persuasive letter to your classmates, urging them to help make this fad disappear for good!

Directions for Google drive:
1. Open template
2. Go to File > Make a Copy
3. Rename: Title, Last name, period (Example: FadCastellano6)
4. Click Share in the upper right-hand corner, add dcastellano@socsd.org, click save/done
5. Begin working on assignment