October Word of the Month: Acceptance

Acceptance is the fact of allowing someone to become part of a group or community and making them feel welcome. Diversity is the understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These differences might include: ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. Assembly… Read More October Word of the Month: Acceptance


Success in school does not only focus on academics but also character development. International Dot Day, which is September 15ish, is the perfect time to come together as a community, spark creativity and collaboration. I signed William O. Schaefer up as a participating school! Let’s take time to “connect the dots” and have an awesome… Read More #DotDay


In order to learn and have fun together, each scheduled  library lesson will begin with a meeting on the rug. During the meeting, students will learn the goals, skills, concepts and ideas of the lesson and what is expected of them. Our first meeting together will focus on mindset. Of the many positive character traits… Read More Parachute