Gratitude, Pass It On!

grat·i·tude noun \ˈgra-tə-ˌtüd, -ˌtyüd\ : a feeling of appreciation or thanks “Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.” -Henri-Frederic Amiel Philosopher, Poet, Critic Gratitude is being Thankful! Take one minute to watch the video, “Biker”  from Dallas Clayton is an American author and illustrator best… Read More Gratitude, Pass It On!

School Ghouls

Halloween is a time of excitement and sometimes anxiety for students often fueled by fears and sugar! Public Broadcast for Kids has many characters that are great role models to help guide students as they explore their fears and learn to make healthy choices. Go to, to watch streaming video of Halloween-themed episodes and clips from… Read More School Ghouls


Historians agree that chess was invented in the early 500’s but some argue that it was invented earlier. Many believe it first appeared in India but others believe it was invented in China or Persia. Through the years many, many countries have invented their own versions of the game of chess. Chess involves two armies.… Read More Checkmate!

Got Grit?

courage (kur-ij, kuhr-ij) (noun) The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger or pain without fear; bravery. Of the many positive character traits addressed in a character education curriculum, courage is foundational to helping students stand up for what is right, become leaders and achieve goals. Creating, acting out, analyzing and reflecting… Read More Got Grit?

Would You Rather?

Would you rather buy a package of waffle mix or a package of frozen waffles? Write down some question you have in your head. What information would be useful to figure this out?     Which ever option you choose, please justify, tell me why. What is your thinking? h/t @DaneEhlert