
Calling ALL poetry!! Inspired by the recent trend of McDonalds, William O. Schaefer students will be sharing and distributing their poetry to Tappan Zee High School students who buy lunch! McDonald’s, had the brilliant idea of putting a book instead of a toy in their Happy Meals. McDonald’s included four different books in this experiment. When I heard McDonalds was promoting literacy… Read More Poetry

Tower of Books Data

The “Tower of Books” Library Challenge began January 25, 2016 and ended Friday, March 18, 2016. Second grade classes were challenged to collectively read 100 books from predetermined categories, first grade, 80 books and kindergarten, 60 books. Many classes  met the “Tower of Books” Challenge with the required number of categories and books while other exceeded the challenge! Congratulations!… Read More Tower of Books Data

Balance and Motion Connect to Art

Second grade classes will gain a better understanding of balance and motion as they explore the function and form of levers together with the work of Alex Calder. Viewing mobiles created by sculptor Alexander Calder, students will learn about mobiles and experiment with balancing levers and equilibrium.  Students will then design and create a simplified 3D printed piece using Tinkercad.… Read More Balance and Motion Connect to Art

New York State Senate Earth Day Competition 2016 Poster Contest

Earth Day is April 22, 2016. Since the first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970, over 20 million Americans have participated, helping to improve the quality of air we breathe and the water we drink. In addition, landmark legislation has been passed to help support this effort, such as the Clean Air Act, Clean Water… Read More New York State Senate Earth Day Competition 2016 Poster Contest