It is my hope that during the month of March we can try something from home and school … “Math Photo of the Week”! Grades kindergarten to second will be challenged with a math concept for four consecutive weeks.
The math concept for the first week Monday, March 2nd to Friday, March 6th will be “Shapes”. The expectation is that students will notice and identify shapes in the world around them. Once the shape(s) is discovered and identified, the student will take the photograph and email it to the specific email address,, associated with “Math Photo Week 1”. It is important for students to develop a sense of how classroom concepts are transferred and applied in the real world. This challenge is encouraged not mandated.
Here is how to upload your math photo:
- Take the picture
- Email photo to
- Use the subject line of the email to identify yourself as the photographer. Use your first name only. For example, Lola.
- Use the body of the email to add a description. For example, a circle in the rope my dog was chewing.
- Send your image. It will be added to the slideshow below. Thank you for participating.
Created with flickr slideshow.