Summer Reading – Have a Blast!! See you in September!

Summer is here!!!Β  This is a great time to take the opportunity to read what you want, to hang with your family and friends, to create something amazing, and HAVE FUN!!

Our local librarians have planned an incredible summer of fun and reading and activities!! There are prizes, crafts, yoga, movies, and more!!

Please visit our friends at our local libraries:

  • Miss Kimberly at Orangeburg Library
  • Miss Nancy at Piermont Library
  • Miss Marybeth at Blauvelt Library
  • Miss Lara at Blauvelt Library
  • Palisades Library

You just need a Library Card and to sign up using the new registration website

Visit one of the libraries and get a summer reading pack starting TODAY!!

Congratulations to Mrs. Edler in her retirement!Β  A very sincere thank you to Mrs. Edler for ALL of her years of being the Library Clerk!! She has been the most knowledgeable, most helpful, and best partner here at William O. Schaefer!! We will truly miss you!!!

Enjoy every minute of your summer! See you next year!!Β  And if you are going up to Cottage Lane, PLEASE come back and visit!!

Ms. Zatarga

If you want to take a look at all the local Library fun being offered this summer . . .

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