Everybody LOVES technology! When using technology, students need to be reminded to “be safe” and to “be a good digital citizen”!
As a class we will watch the 4 minute video below before starting any technology projects in the computer lab or the classroom! After viewing the video we will discuss how to stay safe online.
Choose one of the following:
Read the Adventures of Smartie The Penguin.
Watch two websites to help you go on the internet in a safe way. Here are four tips from the Thinkuknow website that will help you stay safe.
SID is a superhero who protects children on the internet! He likes to fly around and teach children how to stay safe. He also loves to sing… watch the video below and then turn and talk to the person on your left. Have a conversation about the 4 tips you just learned!
Create your own superhero with Marvel’s Superhero Avatar Creator! Name your superhero, mix and match costumes of all your favorite Marvel characters, including Spider-Man, Iron Man and Wolverine, customize face, hair, and other features, and then post online or send to friends!
Create a superhero who acts safely, respectfully, and responsibly online. After creating your superhero, build a comic strip illustrating the a digital dilema. What kind of digital dilemma will your superhero resolve? Include images yourself in the comic strip. Have Fun!
Use Marvel Comics, Superhero Avatar Creator! AND Marvel Comics, Create Your Own Comic Strip!
Watch the video below which may help you.