Exact Instructions Drawing Challenge

I found the Exact Instructions Challenge floating around YouTube. This challenge is passed from family to family to family. Basically, it involves kids writing down instructions to do simple tasks like brushing your teeth or making toast and then passing them on to their parents who must follow the instructions exactly.
The video below is a father and son taking the Exact Instructions Drawing Challenge!
via ytCropper

Today, we will be taking the Exact Drawing Challenge with a partner! Everyone will have the opportunity to draw a monster. I will give each student a monster. Do NOT show your drawing to anyone! Place your monster inside of the folder you were given. You will be given a partner. Look at the letter on your folder. Look at your partner’s letter. Which letter comes first in the alphabet? Whoever has the letter closest to the beginning of the alphabet will be the first to describe the monster drawing they were given. Without letting your partner see your drawing…begin giving the DETAILED drawing instructions.

After ten minutes, we will switch partners.
Have FUN!

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