Earth Kids Club 2018-2019: Week 1

Hi Welcome to Earth Kids! YOU are our future!

Ms. Rossi and I will be the advisors of the Earth Kids Club this year…we are SO excited to have you join us! We will meet every Wednesday morning for enrichment cycle, Oct 1 – Nov 9 @8:00 am. Our club will continue for ALL sessions, your child is welcomed at any or all sessions. Last year, students floated in and out of the scheduled sessions as they explored other interests. If you have any questions, please email us at or

Your creativity, values, and choices will shape our society and create waves of impact that may some day be felt all over the planet Earth! To get started we will listen to, How to Help the Earth-by the Lorax.
How to Help the Earth-by the Lorax is a wonderful book that offers kids easy suggestions for going green! The book explains how the trash in a wastebasket ultimately ends up in a landfill or incinerator, as the Lorax suggests realistic ways kids can reduce waste, such as by carrying a lunch box, donating old clothes and toys, sharing magazines with friends, recycling cans and bottles, and using rechargeable batteries. He also explains how they can save energy around the home by turning off lights, taking shorter showers, donning sweaters to stay warm, and much, much more. All in all, this is a great introduction to our Earth Kids Club.

At the beginning of every meeting, we will celebrate our connection to nature and the Earth with a yoga pose and salutation, “Hello Sun! Hello Earth! Hello Rain! Hello Wind! Hello Ocean! Hello Wind! Hello Rain! Hello Earth! Hello Sun! Namaste.”

To get started let’s look at and learn about the planet Earth and figure out how we can make a difference!

Follow along with the video above and label the continent using this coloring page. Label the Continents 

Did you notice how much of the Earth is water? About 71 percent of the Earth’s surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 percent of all Earth’s water.

Let’s share  ideas about how we can make a difference.


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