Earth Kids Club: Week 9 1/23

Last week the Earth Kids walked the halls of William O. Schaefer to see how our recycling program was going! We are happy to report that many classes signed the pledge and are recycling properly in the classroom! We awarded those classes with a particpation certificate to proudly display on their classroom door!

Sadly, we found many areas of the building that were not recycling properly. Students wrote notes and made signs to remind the school community to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle! We are positive everyone will do their best to make William O. Schaefer a school that makes a difference!

This week we will continue to distribute participation certificates as well as create a bulletin board with visuals to relay our recycling message to learners of all ages!

We will also be sorting ALL the plastic bottles that have been out in the bin for HiTor!Β  A HUGE thank you to all the community members who go out of their way to bring their bottles to William O. Schaefer!Β 

Be on the look out for more information about how you can join the Earth Kids to Make a Difference!

We will continue to celebrate our connection to nature and the Earth with a yoga pose and salutation, β€œHello Sun! Hello Earth! Hello Rain! Hello Wind! Hello Ocean! Hello Wind! Hello Rain! Hello Earth! Hello Sun! Namaste.”

Starting each meeting with our yoga poses keeps us focused and grounded! Om Shanti!

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