Optical Illusions

What is an Optical Illusion?
Optical Illusions can use color, light and patterns to create images that can be deceptive or misleading to our brains. The information gathered by the eye is processed by the brain, creating a perception that in reality, does not match the true image.
Try out some of these illusions and discover just how tricky it can be for your brain to accurately interpret the images from your eyes. Click here to look at optical illusions.

Julian Beever is an English chalk artist that creates mind-boggling chalk drawings on pavement surfaces since the mid-90s. His 3D illusions are drawn in a distorted way that appears normal when viewed from a particular point. To see more of his chalkings GO HERE.

Duck-Rabbit_illusionReversible figures are optical illusion images which use similarities and our  visual system interpretation between two or more distinct image forms.The rabbit-duck image is one of the earliest of this type of illusion first published in Fliegende Blätter, a German humor magazine, Oct. 23, 1892!

daily-tips-3-5-book-pick-duck-rabbit-amy-krouse-rosenthallDuck Rabbit written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, illustrated by Tim Lichtenheld, is a clever new take on the age old optical illusion: is it a duck or a rabbit? Duck! Rabbit! is a smart, simple story that will make students eager to take a side, Duck! Rabbit! Which do you think it is? Duck? Rabbit?

5187_OptTrcks_Cvr.inddHave you ever read any of Walt Wicks books?

When Walter Wick was young, he was fascinated with this illusion. He would draw it in many variations. For Optical Tricks he decided to attempt it photographically. He began by reflecting paper towel tubes into a sheet of glass, aligning the reflections with square cardboard pillars behind the glass.

Go here to see how Walter Wick made the illusion work!

Takes a look at two titles by Ann Jonas,Round Trip and Reflections.




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