Callling All Photographs: Then and Now

Dear Families,

Second grade students are about to embark on a Social Studies unit titled, “Then and Now”. Students will examine, recognize and identify patterns of continuity and change in communities as well as ask geographic questions about where places are located and why.

In order to ask students to effectively research the history of development in their own community, we ask that all of you look through your albums, drawers and closets to find pictures of anything or anyone in the past of our South Orangetown community.

Reproductions or digital images of original photos can be sent to the attention of Please identify the images as best you can with location and date. If at all possible, return to the site of the original photograph, “Then” to retake “Now”! Below is an example:

It is our hope students will be able to examine these primary sources to observe patterns and changes in the community around us and create visual timelines of our community.

As educators, we are excited to time travel with our students into the past in order to provide insight about how and why local life has changed over time!

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