The Perfect Pet

51tYN982UNL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_One of the books we will read in library this week is, The Perfect Pet by Margie Palatini.

Elizabeth really, really wants a pet, but her parents say NO to all of her ideas.Bird? Bunny? Turtle? Fish? Instead, Elizabeth ends up with a cactus named Carolyn. After some very unsuccessful campaigning, to her wonderful surprise, Elizabeth encounters Doug…surely the most unusual and special pet of all.

In the book, The Perfect Pet by Margie Palatini, Elizabeth makes plans to convince or persuade her parents to let her get a pet. Persuade means to make someone do or believe something by giving them a good reason to do it or by talking to them and making them believe it.

Did you know that you can adopt an animal at the Philadelphia Zoo?

pet exampleThe animals below are available as part of the Philadelphia Zoo ADOPT program. Which animal do you think the William O. Schaefer Library should adopt and why?

First, think of an animal you think like to adopt. Then, think about what would you say to convince or persuade Ms. Eyer to adopt the animal? Next, use this template to think out and write down your persuasive statement. Finally, leave a statement in the comment section below and persuade Ms. Eyer to adopt the animal of your choice as the WOS Library mascot!

American alligator
American alligator
Galapagos tortoise
Galapagos tortoise
Humboldt penguin
Humboldt penguin
Mariana fruit dove
Mariana fruit dove
Micronesian Kingfisher
Micronesian kingfisher
Reticulated Giraffe
Reticulated giraffe
Victoria crowned pigeon
Victoria crowned pigeon
White rhinoceros
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