Tower of Books Library Challenge

Dear Parents, Teachers and Students,

I discovered a reading activity created by Michael Friermood called the “Tower of Books” which I am modifying for our use during the next eight weeks in order to motivate students to explore the vast selection of books available in the William O. Schaefer Library Media Center.

The “Tower of Books” Library Challenge will begin January 25, 2016 and end March 18, 2016. To meet the “Tower of Books” Challenge, each class will compete to read the correct number of books from each category listed below. Second grade students must collectively read 100 books, first grade must collectively read 80 books and kindergarten must collectively read 60 books.

Tower of Books Library Challenge: Kindergarten


Tower of Books Library Challenge 1st Grade

 First Grade

Tower of Books Library Challenge 2nd Grade

 Second Grade

As each book in the collective categories is read, the class will be given a cut-out-book to add to their class stack or “Tower of Books”. Students of individual classes should work together to maintain a list and develop a strategy in order for the class to attain the maximum number of books before March 18, 2016! Remember, if you achieve the recommended number of books, your class can always stack higher…each book read means a taller “Tower of Books”!

Watch the video titled, The Bridge to remind us how to be a team players.

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