Think-tac-toe is a differentiation tool that offers collection of activities from which students can choose to do in order to demonstrate their understanding. This week in library, students will be presented with a nine square grid similar to a tic-tac-toe board. Students are expected to complete any three tasks so they complete “three in a row”. The activities vary and are tailored to address different levels of student readiness, interests, and learning styles. The center square will be left open for students to select an activity of their own.
Using a “Think-Tac-Toe” activity will provide extension activities for the higher student as well as review and practice for the lower student. Below is an example of the “Think-Tac-Toe” board we will be using to assess student’s library skills. Click here to add a copy to your Google Drive.
The videos below explain each Think-Tac-Toe activity.
Treasure Hunt Activity
ABC Avenger Activity
Nonfiction Wall Activity
Nonfiction or Fiction Activity
Spine Label Activity
Tongue Twister Activity