Biography: Author Study


Tomie dePaola (pronounced Tommy da-POW-la) is best known for his books for children. He’s been published for over 40 years and has written and/or illustrated nearly 250 books, including Strega Nona, 26 Fairmount Avenue, The Art Lesson, and Christmas Remembered. Over 15 million copies of his books have sold worldwide!

This week at the William O. Schaefer library students will learn about biographies.  Students will participate in several independent activities in order to gain knowledge about the author, Tomie dePaola. As students explore the many books written and or illustrated by Tomie dePaola they will have a deeper understanding of him as an author and illustrator.


Learning Target: Author Study How can you gather information about your subject?
Activity and Description Complete?
Log into Brainpop with username: woschaefer password: brainpop to learn, “What is a biography?”  Five-pointed_star.svg
Use Grolier Online Kids (username: socsd Password: socsd) to read the biography of Tomie dePaola. Type ” Tomie dePaola” in the search box. Read about Tomie dePaola.

  • A citation tells where you got your information. Be sure to notice the citation of the article you read.
  • Write 1 thing you learned about Tomie dePaola.
  • Write 1 question you still have about Tomie dePaola.
Draw your own picture of Tomie dePaola. Why is he an important author?  Five-pointed_star.svg
Read any 2 books written and/or illustrated by Tomie dePaola. Complete the Venn Diagram.  Five-pointed_star.svg

Watch the video of the Art Lesson. Who is the main character in this story? Use evidence to support your answer. What are your own ideas about Tomie dePaola?





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