Trail of History

Today we will be learning about a girl named Victoria. We will learn about Victoria by looking at primary source documents.  Primary Sources are a  first-hand, original account, record, or evidence about a person, place, object, or an event. To learn more about what a primary source is, watch the extranormal video below.

Below are the three documents we will study using a three-step process: “Observe, Reflect, Question.”  We will record our  work  on the classroom Padlet Wall below. As we examine the primary source documents we will be searching for clues about the life of Victoria Confino. Let’s begin creating our story!

“There was once a girl name Victoria and she lived in a place that was far away.”

 “Victoria’s family moved from Kastoria to the United States.”

“Victoria and her family moved to New York City and lived in a tenement building.”

 “Victoria’s family took a portrait to send back to their friends and family in Kastoria.”

Created with Padlet

Facilitate a wrap up discussion about the experience using primary documents to tell the story of a person from the past. What were we able to learn about Victoria Confino? What questions do we still have about the life of Victoria Confino? How would we be able to find the answers to your questions?

Ask students to bring a picture of their own families to class. Create a classroom padlet wall specifically for students to upload photos of their families. Ask students to use what they have learned, “Observe. Reflect. Question.” to explain the story and clues the photo holds about their family’s story. 

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