
1. a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
2. the belief that good ultimately predominates over evil in the world.
3. the belief that goodness pervades reality.

It seems that one of the hardest things in the world to admit we’ve made a mistake. It is equally as hard to recognize a failure and have the mindset to transform or re-shape it into something more likely to succeed.

Watch this video from Value.com on Optimism!!!

Read This!
Good News, Bad News by Jack Mack
Good news, Rabbit and Mouse are going on a picnic. Bad news, it is starting to rain. Good news, Rabbit has an umbrella. Bad news, the stormy winds blow the umbrella (and Mouse!) into a tree.Rabbit always looks on the bright side. Mouse is a bit grouchy. Can they have a nice picnic together?

Go HERE to read more about the author Jack Mack and how he got the idea for his book, Good News, Bad News. Do you have a friend like Jack’s?

Create a Google Presentation and upload a collection of images similar to the examples displayed below to share with your class (when sharing the presentation link with your class be sure to enable edit). Depending on your class size, assign a pair of students to each slide. Ask your students to create a “Good News” caption and a “Bad News” caption for the image they were assigned.

sun-and-rain-cloud-md-1 Half-empty-glass-008-300x179 curious-george-optimism

Review the presentation as a class and discuss:

  • How do individuals/characters remain optimistic in spite of difficult circumstances?
  • How does optimism affect outcomes?

There is the common thread of optimism weaved throughout the songs listed in the article, Top 15 Songs about Optimism and Hope. Create a class “Playlist” ! Ask students to present a title of their own for consideration.

How is the quote,“Don’t let your failures define you–let them teach you.” by Barack Obama; 44th U.S. President, similar or different to/from the quote, “... an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” by Winston Churchill?

Go to At SongsForTeaching.com to add some fun to your classroom while supplementing Social Skills! Whether you need educational music for teaching good manners, taking turns or expressing emotions with words, you’ll find a varied selection at SongsForTeaching.com.

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