Jazz-Wind Ensemble

SOMS Jazz-Wind Ensemble

Jazz improvisation is the process of spontaneously creating fresh melodies over the continuously repeating cycle of chord changes of a tune. The improviser may depend on the contours of the original tune, or solely on the possibilities of the chords’ harmonies.

Play with the notes in the chord for each measure so your improvisation will ‘fit’. Mirror the main melody or don’t. Totally up to you. Create four measures. Have fun!

Improvisation Chord Sheets for Watermelon Man

Trumpet, Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone use the Bb sheet                                            Flute, Trombone, String Bass use the C sheet                                                     Alto Sax and French Horn are marked

Improvisation Watermelon Man Bb-19sw7vh

Improvisation Watermelon Man C-2bpokrm

Watermelon Man improvisation chords Alto Sax-twfx80

Watermelon Man Improvisation chords F Horn-132pl8r


Jazz Audition music for September 2018

Audition Music is posted here. Listen to the pieces to help you learn the parts (videos are below). Auditions will be toward the end of September 2018.

Flute Jazz aud 2018-2h3v2gh          Oboe Jazz 2018 aud-2fpa80h

Bassoon Jazz aud 2018-urgudy       Clarinet Jazz aud 2018-1vg4613

Bass Clarinet Jazz aud 2018-2n3sad8   Alto Sax Jazz aud 2018-135hhxb

Tenor Sax Jazz aud 2018-17ystng      Bari Sax Jazz aud 2018-2iw7fka

Trumpet Jazz aud 2018-23uibma       French Horn Jazz aud 2018-1zgij0t

Trombone Jazz aud 2018-r6joq4       Baritone TC Jaz aud 2018-220a7hf

Tuba Jazz aud 2018-27cq6rp            String Bass Jazz aud 2018-2bj8j3l

Drum Set Jazz aud 2018-yhuigs


Birdland video


Salute to the Duke video


Brooklyn performed by the 2015-2016 Jazz-Wind Ensemble

The SOMS Jazz-Wind Ensemble is a performing group that started two years ago.  It replaced the more traditional Jazz Ensemble we had before. It will continue for the 2017-2018 school year depending on student interest and level of commitment. This select group will do community service projects such as performing at senior centers, NJHS Induction and other events in addition to performing at our concerts. Entrance into this ensemble will be by audition.

Audition information-

The 2017-2018 audition will consist of selections from It Don’t Mean A Thing and sight reading.

Help (optional): October 3 during period 3 or by appointment

Audition Date: October 11 during period 4 and after school. If neither time works for you, see Mrs. Tocco to make an appointment at a time that does work.

Open to all band instruments, drum set, bass.

Read this information Letter:                                                                                          Jazz-Wind-Ensemble-17-18-letter-1jx445q-2j3zcio                                                                                                                                                                                           Membership in this ensemble is a privilege and comes with responsibilities. SOMS Jazz-Wind Ensemble Members are expected to:

*Practice the music at home. The purpose of rehearsal time is to put the parts together in terms of balance, blend and musical expression, not sight-reading. Recordings will be supplied when possible and help is always available. Members who are not practicing on their own will be removed from the group. Yes, it is easy to tell if you have not practiced.

*Attend all scheduled rehearsals both during the school day and after school. Rehearsals are scheduled as weekly lessons. These lessons count as band lessons. Members who miss several rehearsals for reasons other than illness will be removed from the group.

If you are interested in auditioning and/or have questions, please e-mail Mrs. Tocco at the address below.


2017-2018 Audition Music-    

Link to listen to audition music:                                                                                          It Don’t Mean A Thing:                                                   https://www.jwpepper.com/sheet-music/media-player.jsp?&type=audio&productID=2410439

Audition Music- find your part and print: (Hard copies are also available)

Flute DMAThing-1gcyy9s

Clarinet DMAThing-25go0yl

Alto Sax DMAThing-29vtvny

Tenor Sax DMAThing-12aq60j

Trumpet DMAThing-2nqe8w1

French Horn DMAThing-19u3ezk

Trombone and String Bass DMAThing-1b2koto

Drum Set DMAThing-29i0od2