Ideal Classroom

Today’s Questions:

1) What types of school activities do you feel will best prepare you for your future?

2)  What can students do to help create an effective classroom with a focus on learning?

48 thoughts on “Ideal Classroom

  1. 1) I think activities related to interacting well with others and solving problems best prepare students for the future. In particular, I think it is helpful to have activities that require groups of students to communicate with each other and solve problems together.
    2) I think students can take their learning seriously and really put their full effort into every activity.

    • I really agree with Ms. O’Brien’s comment. I also feel that students should learn to communicate their ideas in groups and learn to get along with each other while solving problems.

      • I do agree with you too.
        1 I think we should do math a lot because math is every where
        2 I think we should listen and help each other

        • i agree with you. Math is everywhere, and it is important to know how to properly do it.
          listening is also big, as we need to be organized and
          pay attention.

    • I agree with Mrs. O’Brien to, I also think its helpful to have activities that require groups of students to communicate with each other and solve problems together.

    • I do too . Learning to write the right way is very important and a good thing to know how to do in the future . And I also agree that we should listen to each other .

    • I agree with Jack because writing is very important, for college if you need to write an essay etc.
      I also agree with working together because if you get paired up with someone for a job it would be easier.

  2. 1) I think learning how to read is very important because reading is all around us . It is on signs , posters , boxes and even more .

    2) I think that we should help each other by compromising and listening to each others ideas .

  3. I agree math and reading are very important. Math is everywhere and you need to know how to read because you need to know what signs and posters say.

  4. (1 I think math will help prepare us for the future, because you need to know how to add up money for your jobs etc.
    (2 I think things we should do to be a more effective class is to be quiet and concentrate on what the teacher is saying, and it will inspire other classes to be like us.

  5. {1} I think a good school subject to prepare us for the future is reading because we have to read everywhere we go and all the time also all around us.

    {2}I think students can create an effective classroom with focus on learning by working together and listining to each other’s ideas

  6. 1.School activities that will best prepare me for my future are math problem solving, group work to learn how to work as a team, writing to show thinking, and of course recess because you need time for exercise!
    2. To help create an effective classroom, students need to pay attention, follow directions and treat others with respect and how you would want to be treated.

  7. 1) I think math will best prepare me for the future because if you don’t know math you can’t do that much.

    2) I think people should try there best at everything and put full effort into everything.

    • I agree with Kevin because math is very important and math could be very helpful.

      1) Reading is very helpful in the future because if u have a problem in and u don’t

      know the word it could have u stuck there for a while.
      2) Reading is helpful because you will know a lot of words and you will know how to spell them.

  8. I think that math will prepare . me for my future because you even need math a the store

    students can work together and help each other with things in stead of always going to the teacher

  9. I think math will prepare us for the future because you need to use math almost everywhere.

    I think students should work and help each other instead of sitting there thinking or going up to the teacher.

  10. 1. I agree with Mrs. O’Brien that we should interact with each other to prepare for the world. Learning to interact with different kinds of kids in the classroom will help us prepare for interacting with people in our future.
    2. I think we should be able to listen because we are big kids now. We are no longer little kids

  11. I think that math can help you in your future. For example when you go to the store you have to add or subtract your change.
    I also think that reading can help you, even when you are playing video games. You have to read the directions.

  12. I think writing can help you because it helps you use your imagination.
    Also we need to pay attention and be like 5th graders.

  13. 1)I think math because you use it a lot I use almost everyday and math is important.
    2) I think that they can try to make it fun

  14. #1 Work on projects together and solving problems together.
    #2 Keeping my classroom organized, supporting my classmates, answering questions and feeling comfortable asking them.
    #3 Never laugh at a classmate if they don’t get the answer the first time.
    #4 Respect other classmates learning styles.

    • I agree with brady that you should respect each other and be kind to your new classmates. I also think you should never give up in class if your struggling

      • I agree with Angie and Brady that you should not bully anyone and be respectful to your classmates.I also agree with them about you should never give up in class and in anything even if you are struggling.If you are struggling there is nothing wrong with asking for help if you need it.

  15. An important activity is Math because it will help us later in life with our careers when we may have to calculate in business, or when we have to pay bills.

    Students can help by listening to each other because we can learn from each other and it can also help us later in life.

  16. I agree with brady he is right you should never laugh at people or bully each other and remember never give up even when your struggling

  17. I think Math is a very important skill needed to prepare us for the future. You use math in everyday life. We also need to do skills that involve problem solving.

  18. I think that reading will help your vocabulary and your skills of prounouncing things right,and reading will help your brain grow.

  19. {1} I think that math is what I will use most in the future because, if I am at the grocery store and I need to get 3 pounds worth of peaches, I would need to find out how many peaches make up 3 pounds.
    {2} How I think students can help create an effective class is by listening to each others thoughts and ideas.

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