The aim of a summer reading program is to promote the habit of reading. Research has demonstrated that reading is the most effective method to enhance academic performance. You can read magazines, the back of cereal boxes, or your favorite blog—just make sure to read! On a sunny summer day, there’s nothing quite as enjoyable as relaxing on the beach or in your preferred reading spot with a captivating book. Whether you read or listen to a book, you reap the same satisfaction and advantages. The key is to simply engage in the activity!

Similar to previous years, the high school offers various reading lists that cater to specific reading preferences or requirements, as well as lists we consider exceptional. As part of the summer reading, students are expected to read any two books. When the fall season arrives, all students will be asked to complete an in-class writing assignment based on the two books they read during the summer. Students should remember to record the author and title of at least two books. Below is a list of books recommended by the TZHS English Honor Society. Please let us know what you read!

Please follow links below to REQUIRED reading for: 




Senior Seminar 12H with Mrs. Gleeson

AP English Literature


Join in the fun of Summer Reading! Find your local “Mighty Five Library” website and  connect with the available teen opportunities programs with the links provided below.

Additional Suggestions for Summer Reading Resources and Ideas:

YALSA honors the best teen literature each year with its six literary awards, announced each year at the ALA Midwinter Meeting.

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