Library of Congress Professional Development
Task: In 1990, Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop wrote an essay, “Mirror, Windows, and Sliding Glass Doors,” which explains how literature can be the vehicle for equity for our students....
Eagle Eye Citizen
Eagle Eye Citizen engages secondary school students in solving and creating interactive challenges about Congress, American history, civics, and government with Library of Congress primary sources while developing civic...
Create a Graphic Novel With Google Slides
“Graphic Novel” is a format, not a genre. Graphic novels can be fiction, non-fiction, history, fantasy, or anything in-between. Graphic novels are similar to comic books because they use...
☀️Summer Resources @SmithsonianLab
As a user of the Smithsonian Learning Lab, you’re supported by a vast network of information, resources, and experts designed to bring the excitement of discovery and creativity to...
Infuse Creativity @BookCreatorApp
Book Creator allows students to engage in the real-world application of online publishing. Both students and educators can create and publish fiction, non-fiction, comic books, picture books, how-to guides,...
Google Earth Vacation Highlights
In the video below you will learn how to use one of Google’s creation tools, Google Earth. For this task you will create a tour and travel from either...
J.K. Rowling Announcing…
The Ickabog! The Ickabog is described as “a stand-alone fairy taleâ€. The Ickabog is Rowling’s first children’s book not to take place in the Harry Potter universe. The story...
Emily’s Idea written by Christine Evans
Emily’s idea started small. Many beautiful ideas do. She folded, doodled, snipped. But also, like many ideas, Emily’s small idea grew. We Are All in This Together! Like sidewalk...
@TED_ED Earth School
In response to the impact the Coronavirus has had on the health, economy and the education of students world wide, a coalition of over fifty environmental and education experts...
@media4math Math Games
Media4Math’s mission is to educate 21st-century students in real-world applications of math with digital technology. They bring math to life with a rich blend of resources to inspire learning....