Created by John Breen, Freerice is an ad-supported, free-to-play website and mobile application that allows players to donate rice to families in need by playing a multiple-choice quiz game. For every question the user answers correctly, 10 grains of rice are donated via the World Food Programme. Wikipedia

FreeRice is a non-profit website that is owned by and supports the United Nations World Food Programme.

FreeRice has two goals:

  1. Provide education to everyone for free AND
  2. Help end world hunger by providing rice to hungry people for free.

Feeding the hungry is made possible by the generosity of the sponsors who advertise on the site.

  • Click on the right answer in the middle of the page.
  • If you get it right, you get a harder question. If you get it wrong, you get an easier question.
  • For each answer you get right, 10 grains of rice is donated to the United Nations World Food Program.

Play Free Rice in your browser here:


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