Day Two:

Character traits are distict features of a person’s behavior. Character traits are often labeled with descriptive adjectives such as patient, unfaithful, or jealous.The old expression that actions speak louder than words is very true when it comes to character traits. You learn about people’s character by watching how they interact with the world and what they have in their possession. 

Yesterday, we examined the eight items Lincoln had in his pocket the night he was assisinated. The artifacts he carried told us a lot about who he was as a person. Today you will receive a basket with six to eight primary source artifacts. Your task is to formulate a characterization based on the artifacts you receive.

Remember, observations are the things that we see, and inferences are the ideas we have based on what we see.

  • How does the character behave towards others?
  • How do others behave toward the character?
  • What does the character seem to care about?
  • What adjectives describe the character’s personality?
  • What does the character think or say?

Record your ideas in your journal.

There is an endless array of character traits that can be used to describe yourself or others. Watch the video below to help you get started. The video will provide a list of adjectives that describe personality and character traits.


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