I follow a blog, History Tech, written by Glenn Weibe. Glenn is a curriculum and tech integration specialist, speaker, and blogger with a passion for technology and social studies. He delivers engaging professional learning across the country with a focus on consulting, presentations, and keynotes. Me, I never worked with him or saw him speak but love following his blog and… hopefully, one day I will meet him at a conference!

Here is just one of the fabulous things I found on his blog that I think every teacher can easily introduce and implement….Facticious! Factitious was designed as way to help people recognize what news is fake. Spotting fake news can be diffucult with so much of it polluting our social media, timelines and news feeds. Give it a try. If you love it and the response and student engagement is positive…pass it on and share Facticious with another teacher. 

You can also share the evaluation tool C.R.A.A.P.(Currency, Relevancy, Authority, Accuracy, Purpose) and the CRAAP Worksheet to help recognize what news is fake. Watch to video below.

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