Inspired by NPR: Do you identify as a Beatles fan? Maybe yes, maybe no?

For this assignment you will use the TZHS databases and resources as a springboard to help you find information about famous people and events. After researching the famous person or event of your choice, you will create a riddle which you will apply to a Beatles song of your choice. You will need to tweak the lyrics of the Beatles’ song so that they refer to the notable historical figure or event you selected.

Accompany the lyrics you created with a musical instrument of your choice. The instrument can be a guitar, piano, trumpet, a kazoo, pizza box, or record your lyrics acappella! You MUST record your musical riddle with a voice recorder of your choice. Post the link to your riddle in the comment section below.

A Few Resources to Get you Started:

Listen as Ms. Eyer sings her riddle using a kareoke background from YouTube:

“My wife asked me what I wanted to be. I said baby, can’t you see? I’m going to be famous, a star of industry, when I release my Model T. Baby, you can drive my car. It’s going to make me a star. Baby, you can drive my car and baby, you’ll love it.”

Who is this answer to this musical riddle?

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