3rd Place
March Madness Book Challenge
March Book madness or MBM is for fun. MBM is about reading books, rereading books, talking about books and trying to decide how one great book can possibly be better than another great book.
Everyone at Cottage Lane is welcome to participate. Visit Mrs. McBride’s website for more details and links – Mrs. McBride’s March Book Madness Bracket 2017.
Monthly Challenge: Tube Challenge
It is time to get those creative juices going again! Mrs. McBride is offering another opportunity to put your skills to work. Find out more details for this month’s challenge here – The Tube Challenge
Willy Wonka Challenge
It is time to get those creative juices going again! Mrs. McBride is offering another opportunity to put your skills to work. Find out more details for this month’s challenge here – Willy Wonka Challenge
This month we are “wild” about cranes. Our book of the month, The Paper Crane, reminds us of the magical powers generosity can have on others and ourselves. We learned that:
- Generosity is the quality of being kind and giving.
- Generosity is freely sharing what you have with others.
- Generosity is being willing to offer money, help or time when it is needed.
- To be generous means giving something that is valuable to you without expectation of reward or return.
- Generosity doesn’t always cost money. Anyone can be more generous simply by sharing his/her spirit with others.
Our goal this month is to show generosity. Being generous does not have to cost money. You can be generous with your time, service and/or smile. In addition, you can be generous by donating a used coat to our Coat Drive, purchasing a new hat or mitten for the Winter Drive and/or making cranes for our school wide gift. Watch the video below or read these directions to make as many cranes as you can. Have fun!
Hour of Code
“The Hour of Code is designed to demystify code and show that computer science is not rocket-science, anybody can learn the basics,” said Hadi Partovi, founder and CEO of Code.org. “In one week last year, 15 million students tried an Hour of Code. Now we’re aiming for 100 million worldwide to prove that the demand for relevant 21st century computer science education crosses all borders and knows no boundaries.”
HOUR of CODE – Try a one-hour tutorial designed for all ages in over 45 languages. Join millions of students and teachers in over 180 countries starting with an Hour of Code. You can find all activities here or try one below.
Michael Hingson Visits Cottage Lane
“In Running With Roselle, kids can follow Roselle as she grows from an energetic yellow Lab prone to stealing her puppy raiser’s slippers to a confident guide dog who passes the ultimate test when her partner needs her most. Meet Mike, a boy blind from birth who excels in public school, shocks the neighbors by riding his bicycle through the streets of Palmdale, CA, drives a car around his college campus, and uses his relationship of trust and teamwork with Roselle to help others on a day that changed America forever.”
Mr. Michael Hingson, author of Running with Roselle, visits Cottage Lane and share his stories of growing up blind and the importance of teamwork.
Learn more…
What is braille?
Write your name in braille.
Try BRaille Bug games.
End of the Year Video
The Invisible Boy
This year our Character Education Program brightened our lives with “Colors of Character.” Each month we focused on a character trait, a symbolic color and a shared reading. Each assembly celebrated this colorful trait and recognized students who exemplified this trait.
The Cottage Lane Community is bursting with colors. Let’s show everyone our true colors. Below is a link to the song we played in class, reminding us to be ourselves.
You can listen to the story again. “https://youtu.be/okAJ62ia63Q“
Our colors throughout the year representing various character traits. “https://blogs.socsd.org/cle/files/2015/06/CoCList-2lnjkuj.jpg“
Gummy Bear Challenge
It is time to get those creative juices going again! Mrs. McBride is offering another opportunity to put your skills to work. Find out more details for this month’s challenge here – The Gummy Bear Challenge.