TZHS Library Media Center “TZ ZONEs”
TZHS Library Media Center “TZ ZONEs” ... was founded by a group of educators with a passion for preparing students to succeed on their exams by offering essential resources for test prep online. On the...
QR Code Writing Prompt Activity
A writing prompt can be a question, a short statement or an idea to help students get started with the sometimes difficult writing process. Integrate a small piece of...
QR Code Activity
Inigma is a basic app that can make wonderful things happen. When you scan a QR code, you can link to a website, a video, a story, even a book...
Censorship Activity
Your job is to become an expert on the assigned subcategory of censorship. Your home group will research and find answers specific to your subgroup topic. Once an expert,...
Free SAT PREP with Kahn Academy
In 2015, Khan Academy teamed up with College Board, the makers of the SAT, to create free, official SAT practice for all students. You can get personalized practice recommendations...
Library of Congress: Civic Interactions
The following interactive projects were developed by a number of organizations and supported by grants from the Library of Congress. Each project is intended to provide engaging and meaningful...
2019-2020 Chromebook Handbook for Parents & Students
Parents and educators are important partners to the students and district to ensure the success of this program. Home monitoring of technology use should be embraced and practiced. Prior...
Biography Challenge
Inspired by NPR: Do you identify as a Beatles fan? Maybe yes, maybe no? For this assignment you will use the TZHS databases and resources as a springboard to...
First Amendment Explained
The First Amendment, sometimes called Amendment 1, is the first amendment to the United States Constitution and is also one out of ten amendments in the Bill of Rights....