Primary Sources & Character Traits
Day Two: Character traits are distict features of a person’s behavior. Character traits are often labeled with descriptive adjectives such as patient, unfaithful, or jealous.The old expression that actions...
Examining Primary Sources
Day One: Examining primary sources gives one a powerful sense of history and the complexity of the past. Analyzing primary sources can also help to guide you toward higher-order...
Great Depression Primary Sources: Of Mice and Men
John Stienbeck was born in Salinas, California in 1902. His most famous books were written in the 1930’s and 1940’s, all set in Califonia. His books deal with the...
How to Cite Images
An image such as a drawing or photograph is protected by copyright. If you want to use an image that you did not create, you must obtain specific permission from...
Primary Source Analysis Tool
Examining primary sources gives one a powerful sense of history and the complexity of the past. Analyzing primary sources can also help to guide you toward higher-order thinking and...
Bilingual Glossaries
Bilingual glossaries are essential and expected test accommodation for ELLs/MLLs in the State of New York. The languages of these glossaries cover the top 10 languages at the state...
Issues: Research Resources
Topics come from the world around us…think about what’s going on in the news: odds are that you can name a few controversial topics. Take a look at...
Faculty Meeting: October 7, 2019
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Mentimeter and What Is It?
The Mentimeter app was started by Swedish entrepreneur Johnny Warström as a response to unproductive meetings and has made it’s way into education to create formative assessments, spark discussions...
Hone Your Search Skills
Daniel Russell is a research scientist at Google where has been working in the area of search quality, with a focus on understanding what makes Google users happy, skilled...