Step One: Complete the Banned Books Webquest. It is worth 20 points.

Step Two: Select a book, series or author that is or has been associated with book banning. To do this, check the list of banned books at the American Library Association’s The 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books by Decade. Once you have decided on a title, post it to this Banned Book Research JAMBOARD under your appropriate ELA period. If you see that someone has already posted your book of choice, select another title. Multiple classes are doing this project and we want to feature as many books as possible, so please choose a different book if you already see it on the list. There should NOT be two of the same titles in your class. 

Step Three: Write a short paragraph about your banned book. Be sure to include the reason given for banning, restricting, or challenging the book. You may wish to note: Does the Tappan Zee High School Library have your book? Does the high school include this book in its curriculum?  Check the online catalog OPALS, and Sora to see if the high school library has any holdings of your banned book.

  • Why was your book challenged or banned?
  • Was there a court case?
  • What was the end result?
  • Where did this take place?
  • Who were the book banners?
  • How did they explain their reasons?
  • When did this happen?
  • What was the end result?

You can find this information in our print sources, at the banned books online web site or do your own search using the Gale database, a periodical database on the library’s research page. Plot summaries can also be found on our Novelist database.  The ALA also has a page to assist students in researching banned books.

Remember to always cite your sources. Your paragraph should include internal citations and a separate sheet should include your works cited.The Works Cited is worth 10 points. Use Easybib to create your Works Cited.

Step Four: Now that you have a little background on banned books, it’s time to create your digital poster project. Remember, the purpose of your project is to inform students and faculty about book banning and censorship and to…

  • Show an appreciation of our First Amendment Rights
  • Encourage the reading of banned books (and all books)

Remember that your digital poster will be shared and viewed by others. Use this rubric to guide your work. See the sample below. This is your GLOGSTER student code: 768F6E

Go here to learn more about Glogster

See the sample posters from previous years. Your poster will be about a specific book (or series) or a specific censorship case you learned about through the webquest or through your research.

THANK YOU for participating in this extremely important project. Your participation shares with others, the importance of our first ammendment rights and the freedom to read.

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