Classroom Resources

Let’ s find out what you know about the dictionary.

The dictionary is a book that gives information about words. How fast will your team be able to find the answers to the “Dictionary Relay” questions using a dictionary?

Here is an example of what the relay will look and sound like…..

  • Look up the word “library”. 
  • On what page did you find the word library?
  • What are the guidewords on the page where you found the word library?
  • How many definitions are given for the word library?
  • What word appears AFTER the word library?
  • What is the plural form of the word library?

Dictionary Relay Rules  Each team has a word they must locate using the dictionary. Each person will have one part of the relay to find. If your team has only 4 members, one person will answer 2 questions. If your team has 3 members, two people will answer 2 questions each, etc. Once the first team member finds their answer, they tag the next team member to answer the next question. This is a relay. 

  • Continue until all the questions are answered.
  • When the final question is answered, the team member who answered the last question should bring their answer sheet up to be checked. The teams that finishes with all the correct answers will win a taggie. Be sure to check your work! If you turn in your sheet with any incorrect answers, your team will have time to correct the incorrect answers before turning in your answer sheet again.
  • Remember to use a quiet voice. 

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