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For 10 years The Washington Post featured a Peeps contest, in which people from all over created dioramas depicting scenes that reflected the country as they saw it, but populated with marshmallow bunnies and chicks. As of 2017, The Washington Post Magazine shared with readers that it will no longer host the annual Peeps contest due to lack of readership and as a result a lack of submissions.

SOCES wants to keep the “Peep” tradition alive! Your challenge this month is to create a diorama of a famous scene in history, in current events or favorite scene from a book. The one rule is that all the characters in the diorama must be played by Peeps (chicks or bunnies).

Below is a famous entry from the Peeps Show 2014: ‘I Have a Dream: Martin Luther King Jr. Addresses the Peeple’

Who knew marshmallow treats inspired such creativity? Here, see some of the inspired entries from the first-ever Washington Post Peeps Diorama Contest.

You can view the last entries from The Washington Post 2016 Peep Contest here.



Watch the video below to learn the history of Peeps and get inspired!



  1. Create a diorama of a famous scene in history or in current events. The one rule is that all the characters in the diorama must be played by Peeps (chicks or bunnies).
  2. Make your diorama using a shoe box or comparable item of reasonable size.
  3. Entries must include a creative title and description.
  4. Describe the event and its significance on an index card or us this entry form.
  5. Submissions must include your name, grade, and teacher.
  6. Bring your project to school or share on The Peep Challenge Flipgrid.
  7. Deadline for all entries is Friday, April 23rd.

Good Luck Peeps!