845-680-1533 kmcbride@socsd.org
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“I Matter Because…” Contest

“I Matter Because…” Contest

Reminder from our PTA - For the last 50 years, the National PTA Reflections Program has helped students in pre-K through Grade 12 express themselves through the arts: dance choreography, film production, literature, music composition, photography and visual arts. All...

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Student Highlights

Student Highlights

Students wear many hats!  They are often creating, designing, performing outside the school day.  Erik E. created games in scratch.  Click the image below to try a few.   The Strawberry Sorbet Band is comprised of Louise, Diane, Emma, and Savvy from 4th grade.  Check...

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Election Challenge 2020

Election Challenge 2020

Some authors had fun with presidential elections by writing books such as Duck for President by Doreen Cronin, My Teacher for President by Kay Winters and Grace for President by Kelly DiPucchio   . Let’s have some fun ourselves this 2020 election! This month’s...

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Nobel Peace Prize 2020

Nobel Peace Prize 2020

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to new recipients.  They have been awarded for achievements that had a great impact on mankind - 2020 Winners. The Nobel Foundation has an educational games site designed to help you learn about the work of past Nobel Prize...

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Out of the Box Challenge

Out of the Box Challenge

The first challenge of the 2020-2021 school year is the “Out of the Box” Challenge! You are encouraged to use problem solving skills and creativity to design and create a unique masterpiece.  Use your imagination to be resourceful and ingenious! In the short film...

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Monthly Challenges

Enrichment Rooms

Daily Jumble

Genius Hour

Genius Hour



Play with Words

Play with Words

CLE Interviews

CLE Interviews

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade
