Cate’s Pencils

Cate has 19 packages of pencils.  Each package contains 6 pencils.  How many pencils does Cate have in all?

Be sure to answer using complete sentences.  Tell us your ANSWER WITH LABEL and how you solved the problem.

Example- Cate has ________ pencils.  I solved this problem by breaking the number apart, area model or repeated addition.

4 thoughts on “Cate’s Pencils

  1. Good job Charlie but you forgot to explain how you got your answer. I also got 114
    by using the breaking the apart strategy. I broke apart the 19 into 10 and 9. Then I did 10 x 6 = 60 then 9 x 6 = 54. So I added those two numbers together and got 114 pencils

  2. Cate has 114 pencils. I used the area model to solve the problem. I broke it apart into 10 and 9 and multiplied it by 6. I added up 60 + 54=114. That’s how I solved it. Good job benny and Charlie. I liked how you worked it out.

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