Quizlet App

The official Quizlet app is here! It's a free, fun, and beautifully simple way to study on your iPhone. Seamless syncing means all your Quizlet study sets are ready to use. Or search Quizlet's database of over 15 million flash card sets to find content already created. Pick from 3 mobile-only study modes to suit your learning style. Plus, with full offline support you can study anywhere — even without an internet connection.

Ask your parents to create an account for you.  Search for our lists and start studying anywhere, anytime!

Don't forget to practice analogies as well. Practice with the links on this site and you can also download the free app Analogy 1.0. You need to understand relationships between pairs of concepts. We use analogies every day when we want to compare things in order to explain what we are trying to say. In every aspect of education, from math and science to art and language, analogies are a useful way of learning new things. Make sure you practice!