TAH Lesson 16: The Preamble to the Constitution


We the people of the United States –. • form a more perfect Union – (to create a better government), • establish Justice – (to create a system of courts) • insure domestic tranquility – (peace in our country)• provide for the common defense (to create and maintain a military)• promote the general welfare – (to have a strong economy, population and society) • to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity – to bring freedom and liberty to the people now and in the future • do ordain and establish  (give people power)- this Constitution for the United States of America.

25 thoughts on “TAH Lesson 16: The Preamble to the Constitution

  1. form a more perfect union is important because you cant run a country with not a good government also the government needs to make good decisions like a government should not spend a billion dollars on a gold statue the government has to think what to do in war like if he sends all his soldiers at once when the enemys are attacking three places so that not a smart decision

    • I think that the most important phrase in the preamble is “establish justice” this is because the people wanted to be free, and to establish they had to stand up for themselves.

  2. I think the most inportant thing about the script is to Establish justice because.
    They wanted justice so they dident want to go to war.
    They wanted to be free and not to go in war.

  3. I think that the most important word or phrase is “we the people of the United States.” Because it symbolizes that we are one country or one whole thing together that is free and strong.

  4. I think the most important phase is This Constitution for the United states of america because [ gives people power]

  5. I think the world we the people of the United States because they are talking about the United States and that is inpordent

  6. I think it is to form a more perfect union because if we make a more perfect union every thing will go perfectly.

  7. I believe that the phrase “To secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” because i think that any person that lives in a country should have the right to have a say in decisions.

  8. the most important word is a more perfect union because they wanted to establish justice and insure domestic tranquility.

  9. i think that the phrase- we the people of the united states’ form a perfect union is important because it like basically shows that the writer of the preamble is basically saying that the people of the united states’ of America where forming a perfect union

  10. I think the most important part of the text is to Establish justice because that is how they are going to make a perfect union according to the text.

  11. ” We the people of the United States” I think that because its the first few words and we are the people of the United States

  12. I think pece in are contreey is the most enportit becaes when king geog was in chage and he did not let there be pece

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